IEMBE S.L. is a company specialized in industrial packaging services that offers practical, cost-effective and quality solutions in the process of packaging and shipping of automotive parts.
We design and manufacture to spec with 100% guarantee of protection and resistance of its products both in storage and during transport.
We are a leading supplier of packaging solutions in the automotive industry.
We manufacture bespoke automotive packaging and provide services to the leading automobile manufacturers. We also perform operations of manipulation and assembly of parts for the first line of production.
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We design the packaging and select the right material for the needs of your product; likewise we condition the interior of the same for an optimal subjection and protection of the pieces and elements until their assembly.
We use different protective materials to avoid the effects of humidity, vibrations, shocks and all the possible pitfalls that may arise from handling, transport or storage.
We have more than one million packaged parts behind us, more than 25 years working for the automotive industry for major multinationals such as SEAT, AUDI, FORD, NISSAN, OPEL and CITROEN.
Since its inception in 1988, IEMBE S.L. continued solid growth, adapting to the market and the needs of its customers.
We strive to offer added value by continuously improving both the quality of our products and the efficiency of the processes to offer a reduction in constant costs and minimize total logistics costs. 
Our commitment is to achieve the maximum satisfaction of our customers by offering our design, logistics and consulting services. Our most important asset is a staff of professionals with extensive experience in the sector.
The continuous reinvestment of resources in processes and technologies allows us to advise and provide solutions to the new challenges that we face.
Our objective: to offer the most suitable packaging, at the lowest possible cost and with the least environmental impact.
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Our facilities in Barcelona are located in an Industrial Parkway, together with large companies, in Sant Andreu de la Barca, less than 15 kilometers from the central stores of SEAT MARTORELL, NISSAN FRANCA.  Suitably located in the north of Spain, is in a strategic area for the European market.
We have packaging and assembly machinery within the confines of more than 7000m2 where the processes of handling and storage of stock are carried out. Also with a fleet of trailers and small cargo vehicles expedite daily trips to our customers.
All the installations comply with the requirements of the most demanding standards in terms of quality and environment, which guarantees the optimal development of the activity and the trust of our users.